BSB- Black & Blue World Tour 2001

The Black & Blue World Tour was a worldwide concert tour by the Backstreet Boys in support of their fourth album Black & Blue and took place in 2001. The first leg of the tour kicked …

Black & Blue album 2000

Black & Blue is the fourth album released by the Backstreet Boys. The album recorded the best international sales in a week for an album in history. It sold over 5 million copies in …

Millennium album 1999

Millennium is the third album (second in the United States) by the Backstreet Boys. It was a highly anticipated follow-up to both their U.S. debut album and their second internationally released album. It was their …


Mais uma vez estou aqui par afazer algo que faço quase que diariamente nas redes sociais voltada para os Backstreetboys, divulgar minhas outras formas de canal. Essa e a parte …

Top 3 da Semana Música

Oi gente essa semana vou listar 3 artistas e suas músicas ou vídeos. As músicas e vídeos que estou ouvindo e o que eu achei.   Porque sempre 3 ? Acho …